
Persuasive Preaching: A Biblical and Practical Guide to the Effective Use of Persuasion is unavailable, but you can change that!

Michael Dudit, executive editor of Preaching magazine, writes in the foreword, “the reader will find in this book a valuable discussion of what persuasion really is, what the Bible has to say about it, how it is modeled in the New Testament, and what role persuasion should and should not play in our own preaching in the twenty-first century. The author has provided solid biblical content and...

resurrection. At the turn of the twentieth century, the conflict between modernism and Bible believing Christianity gave rise to a series of volumes first published in 1917, The Fundamentals.4 These delineated and defended essential doctrines of Christianity which were often questioned or attacked. Modernism sought various ways to find truth. Postmodernism, in contrast, denies absolute truth. This basic quality of postmodernism makes it difficult to define precisely what
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